A Pep Talk so you can write a successful blog.

Start a Blog and Make Money

All you have to do is post, and the money will roll in, right? Well, if only it were that easy. Instead, you have to "post" quality content that is well written and caters to what your website visitors are interested in or, better yet, need.

Once folks start delving into having a blog, next comes…

  • "I can't write."
  • "Do I have to learn how to write?"
  • "The fact is I have no idea what to write about."
  • "What if I am just not that good of a writer?"

Have any of the above statements crossed your mind? If so, don't worry; this is what I hear all the time. Blog owners who know they want to have a blog or know they should be blogging but are too intimidated to put themselves out there.

I know exactly how you feel. It can be scary because to be a good writer, you will have to leave a little bit of yourself on the page to engage your audience.


Writing is an Evolutionary Process

WordPress Blog Writing Tips

When I started this online journey over 26 years ago, I wasn't a "writer" either. But I quickly realized it was important that I hone my skills and work towards becoming one. Consequently, I found that I enjoyed the process.

I still labor over and work at everything I write. But, to be honest, I don't think writing comes easy to anyone.

It is a ton of work to do it right, to make my words relay who I am. To get my message out in the way that I want.

It didn't take long to discover that it takes quite a bit of time and effort to create the good stuff. And boy, what I've learned along the way (and am still learning). For example, I still struggle with dangling participles and writing in the passive (vs. active) voice.

As a result, I keep working on it. There probably isn't anything I've written that I can't go back and tweak and improve.

Writing is a skill that takes your time and dedication to develop. First, you have to find your voice and your style. Without your voice or style, these are just words. What will set you apart is to make sure that your posts are your words.

Ask yourself this…

Is it you cannot write, or do you don't want to take the necessary time to learn and do it properly? In my experience, it tends to be the latter.

I get that. Some folks don't want to write. They are not interested, don't want to learn how to become a better writer.

In that case, they have two choices. Don't have a blog or hire someone to write their website content for them.

However, more times than not, diving in and starting to write becomes contagious. Once you become more familiar with the process and the time involved, you'll find that you actually will look forward to writing. For many, it is cathartic.

Learn and Learn Some More

I learn something new on a pretty regular basis. From my quest to learn to be a better writer and by those who point out my mistakes. Some in a kinder manner than others.

I don't stop for fear of being corrected or because I am not a trained, formally educated author. On the contrary, each correction makes my writing and my websites better.

I have things to say, experience to share, and darn it; I'm going to keep on plugging away at this keyboard. That is as long as folks like you stop by and want to read what I have to share.

"I can't write."

Yes, you can. You write emails, you write business letters, business proposals. You wrote papers in school. Just commit to working at it. Keep writing, correcting, editing, learning. That's what we all do.

"I don't know how to write."

We all have varying degrees of writing skills * based on our education. But, education alone doesn't create excellent writing. Your experiences, emotions, personality — that's what makes your writing something special.

Since when do we stop and not make an effort to learn? Especially when it comes to something so crucial to your success. If you are serious about success, you make an effort.

There are tons of sites and books to help you in your quest to become a better writer. Since the moment you were born, there isn't a single thing that you didn't have to learn how to do. Why stop now?

"I have no idea what to write about."

Oh, yes, you do. You know your hobby, product, or service better than anyone else.

What are you passionate about? What excites you? You have all those great experiences you can share.

To start, create a draft and start putting your thoughts down. A draft is your foundation to build upon.

Stuff You Can Write About

You can then expound on those thoughts and add (and edit) before clicking that publish button for the world to see. And, don't worry if you make mistakes. The beauty of WordPress is you can quickly login, make the correction and save.

  • Write about the questions you get asked most.
  • What issues do those who stop by your site email you about? Write about those inquiries.
  • What experience can you share about your profession (or hobby) that can help others with theirs? Write about it.
  • Experiences you've had with customers that can help new customers.
  • Market trends that apply to what you do and how you can use them to your advantage.
  • Help visitors with how-tos, checklists, white papers.
  • Topics in the News that apply to what you do — or how you can help.
  • Tips you can share about what you've learned along the way.

All the while, be sure to show your unique personality. That's what separates you from all the other blogs in your space — YOU!

Taking Note

Here are a couple of tips for when you cannot or don't have the time to create a draft post with your ideas.

  • I have a Notepad document on my desktop that I can open and type in ideas as they come to me for future reference.
  • If I'm on my tablet, I send myself an email with my idea to my main desktop.
  • I have an app on my phone to make notes of something I want to write about when the idea hits me.

Believe me, if you don't write down ideas when you have them — they're good as gone. That's not to say that you won't have writer's block. It happens to everyone. When that happens, here are 3 easy steps for gathering post ideas.

So are you pumped? You can do this — you must do this. You are capable of becoming a better writer.

You are smart, you are driven, and you can write your blog. So get your WordPress blog set up and start writing.

The more you write, you'll soon discover your unique voice to tell your helpful, inspirational, and engaging stories.

At your service,

Judith: WordPress Consultant and Business Coach